PayPal PLUS payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds

We've released the new payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds: PayPal PLUS. That is a 27th free payment plugin working with the Joomla classified ads component.
PayPal PLUS Payment plugin for DJ-Classifieds
The PayPal PLUS product is a payment processing solution that enables small and medium-sized merchants to accept preferred local payment methods on websites, while reducing the effort and complexity of handling payments. Merchants get all relevant payment types with one integration. PayPal PLUS is available in both the German and Latin American markets.
Payment methods supported in Germany include PayPal, ELV (direct debit), Credit Card, and PUI (Pay Upon Invoice).
With PayPal PLUS, merchants can build a payment processing solution that doesn’t require buyers to have a PayPal account. In addition, merchants never need to direct buyers away from their websites to collect and process payment information.More information here: What is PayPal PLUS and where can I find support for it?
How does PayPal Plus payment method work with DJ-Classifieds?
After a successful setup, the payment plugin will be visible for users willing to pay for DJ-Classifieds points and adding ads.
PayPal PLUS will appear on the list of available payment methods:
After clicking the "Buy Now" button, the following view will appear with possible options to choose from:
If you’re an active subscriber for any Joomla template with DJ-Classifieds the payment plugin is available in the download section.
The content of the blog post comes from the DJ-Extensions website: PayPal PLUS payment method for DJ-Classifieds
Want to know more?
- If your subscription expired you can renew your subscription with a 30% discount and get all the above features for a really small cost.
- Visit DJ-Classifieds product page to see all the features of the extension
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