EF4 framework plugin updated to 4.1 version. New useful improvements added!

We are happy to announce the release of EF4 framework version 4.1
Why are we so happy? :) Because the new version includes several improvements that makes the plugin even more handy.
Template layout tab has been removed because we found it more logical and useful to move one part of parameters to the Layout Builder (Template width, Gutter size, Left column width, Right column width). What is more, this change allows you to set different values for each parameters and save it as a separate layout for the specific site page (let's say that you need different template with on your forum) without the need to duplicate the whole template style.
Take a look how it looked in the previous EF4 framework version:
The selcted areas are moved to the Layout Builder tab, the other ones from this page are not related with temmplate layout so we moved them to Basic Settings.
Take a look how you can configure left and right columns.
Now you can use drag&drop button to change columns order (2) both with setting number of spans (1).
Customers who had a layout duplicated with the previous framework version would need to configure it once more since the above modification required some important changes in core framework files, we couldn't do it without that loss.
TIP: How to understand the bootstrap grid system?
We also fixed some bugs that gathered since the previous version.