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DJ-League component updated with one new feature

| Andrzej Herzberg | News

DJ-League has been updated with a new feature. The current sports management solution version is 1.0.2. 

One new feature

The introduced feature allows games to have fractional point values. 

A new parameter has been added to the settings of leagues and tournaments (Leauge and Tournament). It's only relevant to how the scores are displayed in the table.

dj-league new feature

What is DJ-League?  

It's the free sports management solution for Joomla that comes with many useful changes. 

The Joomla Sports Management extension allows creating a sports league, generate the matches schedule along with the table displaying the results of matches (score table). 

Check the DJ-League demo site

Download DJ-League for Free

The blog post's content comes from the DJ-Extensions website: DJ-League free extension updated to version 1.0.2 

More information
