Create a classifieds website like olx with a complete solution of classifieds software.

Have you ever considered the possibility of building a site like OLX? Have you ever wondered how do online classified websites like OLX and how much it has to cost and whether you can afford it?
OLX is the next generation of free online classifieds. The fact is that the most popular portals started from scratch, from the average appearance and they have traveled a long way to the place where they are now.
Once, creating such a genuinely professional, feature-rich website required a lot of work, help from programmers and capital. Now it looks a bit different. Just install a ready template for Joomla to create a unique portal for ads.
This business is not easy, because not every good idea turns out to be a success later. Also, the competition is large, and hundreds of similar websites appear on the market each year. It is comforting that many of them end up with excellent financial results.
So, if you’re thinking about making a classified website like OLX, this is the right place to be.
How does the OLX website work?
The principle is quite simple. The advertiser sends the image and description as well as the price. The potential buyer has the opportunity to contact the advertiser by email or phone and make a purchase.
What is the best CMS platform to build websites like OLX?
How can I make a website like OLX? Perhaps you are of the opinion that cheaper sites are not of good quality, or are just a copy of another page. If you think so, then you are wrong. We assure you that creating a website such as OLX using Joomla content management system is possible for little more than $300. What is included in this price?
- The domain cost is around $15
- The web hosting cost is around $100
- Joomla price is $0
- The classifieds software OLX and classifieds website template cost is $204
- Total cost is about: $320
Sounds good enough? It's about the Joomla functionality. How can I start a classified website like OLX using Joomla? How can this be explained in the simplest terms? It is a free system and choosing the right classifieds website template is also not a high cost. In return, you get an excellent classifieds advertising website for it.
Is there any customizable open-source software similar to OLX?
We are offering you a fantastic and useful website template like OLX for this purpose.
JM IKS the classified ads website template with classifieds software OLX will give your site a professional look because it comes with an excellent design. What is the advertising system based on OLX?
This professional classifieds website template like OLX uses DJ-Classifieds (classifieds software OLX) - the absolute leader in classified ads component for Joomla CMS. You can easily extend the classified advertising possibilities and use features like buy now, auctions, make offers and more.
DJ-Classifieds classifieds software OLX is included in the website template’s price.
The template is built on the powerful Joomla template framework, so you can easily customize the website looks like the way you want. There are various color presets and module styles available for this purpose.
What’s more, the classifieds software includes GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) compliance.
Build your classified website like OLX and start advertising real estate, jobs or whatever you want! Many classifieds Joomla templates are available for launching a classifieds portal similar to OLX, but none offers the features and functionality like IKS.
Classifieds template features required to clone OLX
User Login/Register System
After a user registers on the classified advertising website and logs-in, he gets the access to his account.
There he can specify detailed information and manage his ads, orders, sales, messages, points, plans and more.
Ad Search Feature
Classifieds website users can do searches efficiently using the advanced ad searching feature. On the front page, they can search with keywords, or according to the location and range. Extended search module allows setting more searching criteria, like category or type.
Classified Ads Categories
Main classified ad categories are displayed at the top of the front page. Each category has its icon related to the subject. It gives easy and quick access to users.
Inside View of an Ad Page
The product page contains the essential elements - description, specific details, price, images and the information about the vendor. Interested buyers can make the offer or contact the seller through the contact form. Google map used here helps to find the advertisers location. Besides that, there is an additional module with other offers. But you can easily insert the most popular suggestions there for example.
Adding a single ad
The "post an ad" button allows you to add a new advertisement. There are some options to choose from, while only some of them are required. In addition to standard fields like name, category, description or price, fields like:
Expire after (days), Buy Now option, Bidding active, Offering.
Besides that, there is the Promotions section, where you can Select promotion you wish to use. Of course, as the website owner, you can set the promotion as a paid option - we write about it in the next part of the article.
To add an advertisement, you must agree to:
- Terms and conditions
- Privacy Policy
- and Data protection agreement - which is in line with the latest GDPR law
How does Olx earn a profit?
Running a classified ads website can become a gold mine. There are various ways to make money using a classifieds website. Let’s see what are the possibilities:
Paid categories
See which categories on your classifieds site are the most popular and set them as paid - the advertiser will not regret cash if he has the opportunity to show his ads in the most popular category.
Paid durations
Request money for the extended display time of the advertisement. The advertiser who exceeds the time of displaying his advertisement may be very interested in making as many potential customers still have access to the content.
Promoted ads
It’s a conventional method. everyone wants to be distinguished among the competition, and the distinction of an advertisement is a great way to attract visitors' attention.
Top of the list
Classifieds website users often pay attention to these first results only. Placing an announcement at the top of the list is a great way to ensure its high viewership. It's a popular solution on the web.
Extra content
Each well-described and the photo-framed announcement is a higher guarantee of success. Such an offer certainly has a higher chance of attracting attention. Give advertisers the opportunity to add additional characters to the content and other photos - the benefits will be mutual.
Pay in points
Let page users use points instead of currency. Such treatment is another way to increase the budget of the website.
Premium users plans
Sell different packages for premium users. Thanks to this, they will be able to take advantage of several of your offers at a lower price - e.g., paid categories, additional pictures in the announcement and longer time of advertising.
Sell the advertising space on your classifieds website. Earn money from clicks on ads or charge advertisers for their advertising fee.
Joomla-Monster created many awesome classified websites
Joomla-Monster provides many powerful solutions dedicated to classified ads websites.
On the Joomla-Monster website, users can find the best templates needed for a professional classifieds ads portal.
Let’s take a look at some examples:
You have seen here how the classified website like OLX can be created quickly. If we take a look at the total cost, it becomes around $300. So it’s possible to build that kind of website much cheaper than you think.
To wrap things up let’s go through the basics of configuring your online classifieds. First, you’ll need a Joomla website and the IKS classifieds Joomla template with classifieds software OLX. Then you can think about some additional modifications, but the essential features of the used template guarantee you a fully functional and good working portal.
After reading this blog post, you should be well on your way to creating the classified website like OLX. The Joomla template + Joomla CMS combination is perfect for a modern online classifieds website.
I hope you enjoyed the guide on creating a web page using the IKS template. If you have any questions about this process, let us know in the comments section below.