Three Joomla templates 30% off this week!

Another Wednesday means another promotion, so see what we have prepared. You can buy those templates 30% off until March 5th!
We called this Joomla 3.x & 2.5 template "Italian Restaurant", but it’s perfect for every dining place – no matter if it’s slow food or fast food, restaurant or bar, pub or sushi place, take-out or sit-down restaurant, buffet or bistro. Fast casual restaurant? Family style? Luxury dining? Or maybe brasserie, coffehouse or sandwich bar? This is a template for you! It’s bright, colorful and just makes you want to visit the place with such appealing website… it’s just delicious!
DJ-Flyer Extension - the perfet extension for creating the restaurant menu.
Let’s take a look on what is included in the template price. We want to draw your attention to DJ-Flyer Joomla extension (included for free with this template) which allows you to display items with thumbnail images and short description and the long description with the big image that opens in lightbox. It means that you can easily create good-looking presentation of your products, and – what’s more – users can switch on fly between category items and their descriptions and link it to Joomla articles. In this way you can beautifully combine photos of your dishes and enrich it with additional information about them.
Module Badges
We also offer you variety of Module Badges that can be used for each module design. For example, if you want to draw attention to your newest dish, greatest promotion, or simply inform your customers, that “this particular sauce is very HOT” – just use those module badges! You can easily modify the text in the PSD source. There are 5 available module designs and 3 badges that you can control by entering the correct suffix name to a module parameter. The most helpful will be additional module design for presenting "Dish of the day" or any other special offer.
TIP: How to easily modify PSD slices?
Demo copy
Use exact demo copy of the demo site to quickly replace example content with your data. This way you’ll soon be able to enjoy the view of our template filled with your dinners, breakfasts, wines and pastries. Sounds too good? Believe it, we did the hard part for you! Avoid doing everything from scratch, don’t waste time and concentrate on your customers.
We don’t only give you demo site, we also give you tips and point out the most interesting parts of demo site. Check tips & tricks!
EF3 Framework
We’re very proud of our EF3 Framework used in the Joomla! 3.x version of this template. It has lots of useful functionalities, such us allowing you to change Google font used on demo site. It’s also possible to choose between static and fluid template width, optimize your website loading time by compressing CSS files… and many, many more!
Visit the JM-Italian-Restaurant template, see screens, more details, video guides.
Ebooks are slowly conquering the publishing market. And although we like the smell of a new book, we very much appreciate the convenience offered by ebooks. That’s why we created Joomla! 3.x and 2.5 compatible template designed especially for downloadable products or a professional products catalog.
If you run ebook/audiobook online catalog, if you’re publisher or an author – this is the template that will meet your needs.
Main design attributes of JM-Free-Ebooks is neat design, simple, minimalistic and clear. Great uninterrupted exposure is what you need to emphasize quality of your products.
Joomla! 3.x version of this template is based on our powerful EF3 Framework. Thanks to it you can past Google Analytics code into your website to monitor how well your website is doing traffic-wise. You will be able to place Verification Meta Tag Content to the template code at the template backend. You can also modify CSS or LESS files, just enable Developer Mode before making changes in files.
TIP: How to modify LESS and CSS files in Joomla 3.x template?
It’s another template where commercial DJ-Catalog2 extension is included for free. And it’s attributes are very important to the final result. Really simple extension provides professional output. Thanks to unlimited categories, products and images – you will be able to nicely and clearly show your products. Categories, filter, items and search modules will prove very helpful for your customers.
DJ-MediaTools is an excellent solution to show graphic side of your products. Expose covers of your books, CDs and other publications. Present graphics, autographs or attractive typography on slideshows. Customized effects and album layout makes it even easier to bring on amazing view on your products. Use responsiveness to deliver easy access to your on-line shop from every device.
Visit the JM-Free-Ebooks template, see screens, more details, video guides.
Ahoy sailors everywhere! Do you love to sail, take catamaran tours, enjoy sunset cruises or jet ski rides, rafting or maybe coneing? If you’re professional sailor who offers trips or occasional traveler who wants to spread the word about his/hers hobby – dock in the harbor of DJ-Sailing template!
It’s clean, bright, lightweight template with width set to 970px, well-commented CSS style files, collapsible module positions. We’re offering it in one color version, with 3 module option. You can easily replace logo at the template configuration, set the website’s name, description or determine position of the header from the top of the page. Available sources include .PSD files, demo copy – quickstart file and extensions used on demo site.
And it’s worth to look at the extensions indeed. Firstly, commercial DJ-Catalog2 (included for free) will help you to brilliantly classify photographs to a thematic category and show them in a segregated way.
Thanks to another extension, DJ-ImageSlider, slides with title and short description linked to any menu item, article or URL address will be regular guests on your website.
Visit the DJ-Sailing template, see screens, more details, video guides.