New hot template excellent for startup company!

Yesterday the new Joomla 3 template was released that comes with numerous fantastic features and excellent Joomla extensions! Let's take a looks at some details.
Joomla! 3 framework
JM-Startup template is based on EF3 framework - the plugin allows to configure plenty of useful settings starting from the basic ones like logo, favicon, fonts settings, template width or layout scheme to more advanced like google analytics or webmaster tools.
It's worth to mention that you will also be able to change the big image that appears in the header section of this template without need to looking for the correct image path in template files.
Other features:
Typography (template features -> typoghraphy) - you'll find tons of custom solutions, ready to use.
TIP: How to create a custom HTML module?
Module suffixes (template features -> module suffixes) - find out how you can change some modules appearance.
All templates positions - available for desktop and mobile devices (template features -> all template's positions)
TIP: Utility classes for showing and hiding content by device.
TIP: How to understand bootstrap grid system?
Used extensions
The template uses 3 commercial extensions created by and EasyBlog crafted by
On the demo site of JM-Startup template you'll find 2 views of blog section. The first one is the standard Joomla blog with all modules that comes with Joomla 3. The second option that we recommend to try is EasyBlog the professional all-in-one blogging component. EasyBlog is the complex Joomla solution for bloggers that provides wide range of useful features appreciated by users!
It's the slides and gallery solution for Joomla used with this template to create gallery with intro images articles. There is an option to load source from the standard Joomla articles as well as other custom items. DJ-MediaTools is compatibile with many 3rd party extensions including integration with EasyBlog.
There are 8 views available such as Tabber, standard DJ-ImageSlider, Modern Slider, two experimental – and more.
Another helpful solution to catch site visitor's eye and force him to stay longer on your site is DJ-Suggester plugin. When the site is scrolled down it displays the box with suggested content. It's also integrated with EasyBlog.
It's the high quality menu solution for Joomla that allows to set amount of columns per row and place any module inside.