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DJ-MegaMenu ver 4.2.1 comes with new features related to keyboard navigation

| Andrzej Herzberg | News

DJ-MegaMenu version 4.2.1 brings 2 new features related to Off-canvas and some bug fixes. 

The previous DJ-MegaMenu 4.2 update introduced a new way of keyboard navigation, compliant with the WAI-ARIA practices. Now we've made some additional improvements related to the menu navigation, expected by the extension's users. 

Get DJ-MegaMenu 4.2.1 version Pro.

Download DJ-MegaMenu 4.2.1 version light

Changes related to the menu keyboard navigation

For Joomla 4 Off-Canvas Sidebar, we've added a background overlay visible on the mobile version.

Another new option is closing the Off-Canvas Sidebar and desktop submenu using the Escape key (WCAG feature). 

Other changes

The latest update also brings few bug fixes, including improved keyboard navigation in Off-Canvas (mobile) - the tab key will cycle through the Off-Canvas links until you close the bar yourself. 

Check the ver 4.2.1 changelog

We need to remind you that the DJ-MegaMenu extension is available in two versions - premium and light.


The blog post's content comes from the DJ-Extensions website: DJ-MegaMenu ver. 4.2.1 with 2 new features and 3 bug fixes

Active subscribers of the Joomla-Monster template, which uses DJ-MegaMenu can download the latest version of the menu extension

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