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DJ-Classifieds version 3.9.2 with many improvements has been released

Today we are happy to introduce DJ-Classifieds version 3.9.2. With this update we continue to improve the Joomla classified ads extension. The latest update comes with new features, and improvements. Let's take a look.

We want to remind you that the DJ-Classifieds component has been fully compatible with Joomla 4 for some time now.

All active DJ-Classifieds extension subscribers can download and use the latest 3.9.2 version stable.

New features

'Use in word search' field option

Text custom fields can now be set to be searchable using the Search module's main input text field, without the need to show their own field in the Search module.

'Sortable' field option

It's now possible to sort by custom fields on the list. To do it, set the field to be displayed in the chosen items layout (classic table/smart table/blog) and enable the new 'Sortable' option.

'Search placeholder' field option

Another new parameter available in the admin Field Edit page, for defining placeholders for custom fields displayed in the Search module (additionally to custom fields placeholders used in the Post Ad form).

'Search by whole words only' option

New parameter in DJ-Classifieds Options -> Global, allows to show items only with the exact searched for word.

'Map Provider' disabled

The 'Map Provider' parameter is no longer locked on the "Google" or "Leaflet (OpenStreetMaps)" (if the corresponding plugin enabled) value.

This change allows choosing the new "None" option, in case you don't want to use any Maps/Location services on your site.

'Subcategories list's header' new option

The option previously available for regions, is now available also for categories.

Both regions and categories also gained a 'Apply to whole level' checkbox, to quickly set the needed text for all categories of the same level.

Routing improvements

The component's router has been partly rewritten, improving routing for some views, and resolve any problems happening if there are no menu items created for the corresponding menu items.

The advert front-end Edit page's URL structure e.g. is now "/additem/24" instead of "/additem?id=24".

The routing changes can also be noticed in terms of Search module and choosing the best category/region page to redirect for showing the search results.

PHP 8.1 support

Changes across the component, modules and plugins have been made, to provide compatibility with the latest version of PHP.

[[payment_date]] email template tag

The new [[payment_date]] tag is available in all email templates supporting payment data.

Admin profiles new batch options

The "batch" option of the admin profiles page has gotten the new "Remove from User Group" and "Set Profile Field Group" options.

Subscription Plans: 'One active plan' option

The additional Subscription Plans plugin has now an option to allow users to have only one active plan at a time.

Coupons: option to choose enabled payment type

The additional Coupons plugin can now be enabled for specific payment types.

Files attachments: option to show in registration

The additional Files attachments plugin can now be enabled in registration page.

Other features

This update also brings a bunch of other improvements and bug fixes.

What is DJ-Classifieds?

DJ-Classifieds is a complete Joomla classified ads solution / Classifieds script, including all you need to build successful classified ads or listing pages.

It's also one of the most advanced and easy-to-use classifieds extensions for Joomla, offering so many options out of the box.

We can build and customize any classified ads website for you. If you have questions about development services - contact us.

The content of the blog post comes from the DJ-Extensions website: [UPDATE] DJ-Classifieds version 3.9.2 brings many new features and changes

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