Best Joomla classifieds portal ever!

The new template for Joomla 3.x and 2.5 has been already released.
JM-Joomclassifieds responsive classifieds ads template is the typical classifieds portal built with our DJ-Classifieds extension that accomplishes the assignment in the most complex way. You will be surprised with ample collection of features that this extension provides which can be configured and managed with ease.
Have doubts or do not belive that it's perfect Joomla classifieds extension? :)
Check all functionalities and test drive!
This mobile ready Joomla template also supports other our amazing extension - DJ-MediaTools Joomla gallery.
It works seamlessly with DJ-Classifieds and gives you the wide range of gallery views to display classifieds.
Check all of them by navigating the top menu on JM-Joomclassifieds demo site.
It's worth to mention about DJ-MegaMenu menu module - the advanced menu solution that allows to put any module in the item submenu.
You will be able to divide submenu area into many columns and set it to attract you site visitors attention with any valuable content.
INFOAll those commercial extensions are included for FREE with this template!