Create classifieds website with MyOffers classifieds Joomla template.
Do you remember MyOffers classifieds Joomla template in the default version? You may be surprised by the new demo version of the same template.
MyOffers classifieds Joomla template the first default version is a bestseller, customers like it much but at the same time, customers are not sure if they may modify the template front-end. Of course, I mean new customers who do not know our flexible Joomla templates yet. And to be honest, it's really difficult to explain and clarify the possibilities of arranging the completely new layout for the classifieds website and the fact that it may totally differ from the demo site that we offer.
This is why we decided to create the second demo version of MyOffers classifieds Joomla template to show you how flexible product it is.
The front-end is completely rearranged, instead of masonry blog and lazy loading for classified ads we displayed several sections that customers usually do on their classifieds websites: categories with icons, advertising banners and recently added ads. In the header area, we've added the eye-catching background and, website and classifieds search. Doesn't it look awesome?
Browse the demo site of this bestseller classified advertising Joomla template and check by yourself which one you like best. Remember that the price includes both demo sites and commercial extensions used to this classifieds Joomla template.