12 classifieds Joomla! templates have been updated along with DJ-Classifieds 3.7.4

We are happy to announce that we have updated all our Joomla! classifieds templates to support the latest version of DJ-Classifieds 3.7.4 Joomla classifieds extension. Besides new Joomla and extensions' versions, you will also find new interesting features and a lot of improvements and bug fixes. Let's take a look at the most important ones.
DJ-Classifieds component, other extensions, and Joomla classifieds template updates
24 new features and 16 bug fixes for DJ-Classifieds 3.7.4
The new version of DJ-Classifieds comes with lot more interesting features. It also fixes many bugs reported by our customers. The full list of changes you can see in the DJ-Classifieds changelog. See the full list of changes in the DJ-Classifieds 3.7.4 changelog
A lot of improvements and bug fixes for Joomla classifieds templates
The below features are only part of the work we did on the occasion of the DJ-Classifieds update. If you are interested in improvements and bug fixes related to your template, check the changelog.See the full list of changes in the templates' changelogs
Selected news for DJ-Classifieds 3.7.4
Added contact form in DJ-Classifieds User Profile view
Earlier, users could send a message to the advertiser only from the single advert view. The new version of classifieds extension comes with the implementation of the contact form in the User Profile view.
Added possibility to select the layout in DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module
This feature is especially interesting for users of JM JoomAdvertising and JM ClassifiedAds templates. We have added a new layout of DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module to both templates, so it will be much easier to manage categories displayed on the front page of the demo site. There is no more need to use module suffix to display category icon or custom module to display the "see all ads" link. Now, both elements are part of the layout.
Improved Ajax app
The JM MyOffers and JM Iks templates come with the new version of the Ajax app for DJ-Classifieds. There are two new parameters in the app settings: "disable in" that allows disabling Ajax plugin on specific pages, "search reset" which allows displaying the reset link/button in the DJ-Classifieds Search module. The update also includes some bug fixes and minor improvements.
Added comments functionality to DJ-Reviews
The new version of DJ Reviews brings the much-awaited feature - comments. It is especially useful for administrators because it gives them the possibility to comment a review. Of course, you can also allow users to comment on reviews. 7 of classifieds Joomla templates come with DJ-Reviews extension.
New interesting features in Joomla! templates
New module suffix for the DJ-Classifieds Search module
We have added a new "location-ms" module suffix for DJ-Classifieds Search module in JM JoomAdvertising and JM ClassifiedAds templates. It allows to display the search keyword along with address and distance fields:
New module suffix for DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module
We have also added 5 new module suffixes for DJ-Classifieds Category Tree module in JM Car Classifieds template. It allows controlling the height of the category list by adding a vertical scroller with limited height: scroll100-ms, scroll200-ms, scroll300-ms, scroll400-ms, scroll500-ms. It is especially useful if you want to display a long list of categories in a module.
Russian translation for JM Car Classifieds template
Good news for users speaking Russian! The JM Car Classifieds comes with the Russian translation of the template parameters.
A lof of other improvements and bug fixes
The above features are only part of the work we did on the occasion of the update. If you are interested in improvements and bug fixes related to your template, check the changelog.
See the full list of changes in the templates' changelogs
Want to know more?
- Check how can you update a template
- Check how can you update the DJ-Classifieds theme
- If your subscription expired you can renew your subscription with 30% discount and get all the above features for a really small cost.
- Visit DJ-Classifieds product page to see all the features of the extension
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