DJ-Events 1.3 update brings the Joomla tags support

The Joomla events & calendar extension 1.3 update brings the Joomla tags support.
Joomla tags support
That new feature results in the possibility of switching the Tags type between DJ-Events and Joomla in the DJ-Events "global settings" at the component's backend.
The user can choose whether to use DJ-Events own tags solution or core Joomla! tags.
Using Joomla tags gives you better control than working with DJ-Events tags. When creating a single event in DJ-Events, you can only define tags for a given event while Joomla! tags feature allows for better management of them (deletion, editing, etc.)
Choosing the "DJ-Events," the component will use tags defined for DJ-Events extension. In the second case, after selecting "Joomla!" (and saving the settings), in the DJ-Events control panel, will appear the "Migrate tags" button.
It will work the same way on the front page - the location's information will disappear and only "Online Event" information will be displayed there.
Use the "Migrate tags" button, and DJ-Events tags will be migrated to Joomla! Tags. The result will be the use of tags defined for Joomla! as well as those migrated there.
Learn more about creating an online event in DJ-Events
The content of the blog post comes from the DJ-Extensions website: DJ-Events with Joomla tags support
Want to know more?
- Check how can you update a template
- Check how can you update the DJ-Events theme
- If your subscription expired you can renew your subscription with 30% discount and get all the above features for a really small cost.
- Visit DJ-Events product page to see all the features of the extension
- See how to create events site with DJ-Eventsow to create events site with DJ-Events