JM University Joomla template follows recommendations for making web content more accessible.

We are happy to announce that our Joomla university template - multipurpose education template is WCAG (Section 508) ready!
Since customers keep asking about school templates complying with the standards of WCAG we've decided to put quite a lot of work into the project and prepare JM University template ready for people with disabilities.
Why is it so complicated? Principles of availability and criteria of WCAG 2.0 (Section 508 standards) document includes many important details that have to be taken into account while creating a website more accessible. It's not about the template and content only but also extensions that the template uses. JM University uses 3rd party extensions DJ-MediaTools, DJ-MegaMenu, DJ-Tabs that needed to be improved to meet all requirements.
We did it :) Together with team we were able to update the JM University template including all used extensions since DJ-Extensions improved the following extensions with significant Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) support.
- Joomla slideshow and gallery extension - DJ-MediaTools
- Responsive mega menu system for Joomla - DJ-MegaMenu
- Content tabs for Joomla - DJ-Tabs